Jennifer Kranc- BA, RHN, CFAP

About Me

It was September 2014, I was at my heaviest weight, I was hopeless and desperate as my weight kept climbing with no end in sight and I had lost control of what I was eating. I felt powerless over certain foods. I had tried every diet program possible and spent thousands of dollars doing so, always losing and then gaining the weight back eventually. I had graduated a year before, from an amazing program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and became a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Despite all the incredible nutrition knowledge I had acquired, I still didn’t have answers as to why I couldn’t stop eating certain foods and why after an elapsed period I would lose control and go back to my old ways of eating. 

Once I discovered food addiction in 2015, I knew immediately that this was my problem. It was such a relief to discover it wasn’t my willpower or a weakness. I could not blame “emotional eating” for my problem. My brain had been hijacked by certain addictive food.  I lost 70 pounds and have kept it off ever since. I subsequently I wanted to learn everything I could about this discovery that WORKED: Food Addiction Recovery, a way of life, that kept me in a right size body!

Are You Looking To Get Your Power Back?

I started attending any courses and reading any books, articles, or research studies that I could find on Food Addiction. I got educated about the science behind food addiction. I wanted to know why these methods worked when the majority of weight loss programs (99%) do not work long term. To compliment my psychology degree and nutrition certification, I went back to school to become a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) at INFACT- The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment. A one-of-a-kind institution where I had the opportunity to learn cutting edge therapeutic treatments for food addiction from the top medical professionals and counselors from around the world that deal with addiction and specifically food addiction. 

I got UNHOOKED from food in 2014, free from the obsession and addiction from addictive foods. I have found more peace around food and in life and I have a sincere desire to share the solution with YOU. My promise is to educate you about food addiction so you can conquer your addiction to the foods that may be controlling you. 





Words from Clients