Jennifer Kranc- BA, RHN, CFAP

Get unhooked and
gain freedom from
the cravings and
obsessions of
addictive foods.

Are you struggling with maintaining a healthy weight or controlling the urge to eat?

It’s not your lack of willpower

It’s not only emotional eating

It’s not your fault.

What is Food Addiction?

Food addiction is a biological disorder just like alcohol and drug addiction. With the abuse of certain substances, sugar being one of most common ones, we can experience compulsion, obsession, lack of control, dependency, and tolerance. 

Are you ready to try something different?

Signs You Could Be

There are many possible signs that indicate addiction to certain foods. Click below to learn the signs.

Benefits Of The

Learn how to reach and maintain your ideal weight and gain freedom from addictive foods.

Recovery From Food

An addiction model must be used for long-term food addiction recovery. Learn how to recover.

Hi, I'm Jennifer

I believe we can end addictive eating and achieve something great together.

It was September 2014, I was at my heaviest weight, I was hopeless and desperate as my weight kept climbing with no end in sight and I had lost control of what I was eating.

Watch Our Video On Food Addiction

Words From Clients

“Before you heal someone, ask them if they are willing to give up the things that made them sick”.

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